Antidote Books June Poetry Reading

Please join us for a poetry release party and reading with featured poets Zoe Tuck, Cameron Awkward-Rich, Franny Choi and Britt Billmeyer-Finn at 7 p.m. this Saturday, June 17 at Antidote Books ⋒ Duchess Coffee, 15 Putney Rd in Brattleboro, VT.  This event is open to the public. No cover. We'll have door prizes for the first 10 people to arrive.

Zoe Tuck was born in Texas, became a person in California, and now lives in Massachusetts. She is the author of Bedroom Vowell (Bunny, 2023) and Terror Matrix (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2014) and the chapbooks Vape Cloud of Unknowing (Belladonna*) and The Book of Bella (DoubleCross Press), the latter of which is bound in a dos-a-dos edition with Emily Hunerwadel’s Peach Woman. In addition to teaching private creative writing and literature classes, Zoe is the co-host of The But Also reading series with Britt Billmeyer-Finn and the co-editor of Hot Pink Magazine with Emily Bark Brown. Since 2019, she has been an active member of the Belladonna* Collaborative, where she has co-curated both the Close Distances and the In-Flux reading series. 

Cameron Awkward-Rich is the author of two collections of poetry: Sympathetic Little Monster (Ricochet Editions, 2016) and Dispatch (Persea Books, 2019). His creative work has been supported by fellowships from Cave Canem, The Watering Hole, and the Lannan Foundation.
Also a scholar of trans theory and expressive culture in the U.S., Cameron earned his PhD from Stanford University's program in Modern Thought & Literature. His more critical writing can be found in Signs, Trans Studies Quarterly, American Quarterly and elsewhere, and has been supported by fellowships from Duke University's Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and the ACLS. His book The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans Maladjustment was published by Duke University Press in Fall 2022. Presently, he is an assistant professor of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 
Franny Choi writes poems, essays, and other things. They are the author of three poetry collections: The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2022), Soft Science (Alice James Books, 2019) and Floating, Brilliant, Gone (Write Bloody Publishing, 2014). Her writing has appeared in the New York Timesthe Atlanticthe Paris Review, and elsewhere. A recipient of the Lily/Rosenberg Fellowship,Princeton’s Holmes National Poetry Prize, and the Elgin Award, Franny is Faculty in Literature at Bennington College and the founder of Brew & Forge. They are at work on an essay collection about Asian robot women, forthcoming from Ecco.
Britt Billmeyer-Finn is a psychotherapist, poet and playwright living in Northampton, MA. She has published two books of poetry, The Meshes (Black Radish Books, 2015) and Slabs (Timeless Infinite Light, 2016). She was a resident at SAFEhouse Arts in SF where she directed and produced her play Meshes an Iteration in Two Acts. She facilitates generative writing workshops through the tarot and is co-curator of the living room reading series, The But Also. She continues to publish poetry in La Vague JournalFoglifter's anthologyHome is Where You Queer Your Heart and Baest:a journal of queer forms and affects. She is currently writing a collection of poetry called Sensational Gestational and a play called My Fellow Lesbian Wife.